and so just as i was wondering how to start work on the next project, simone lia reads my mind and presents us with a beginner's guide on how to draw bunnies

it's a very close fight between lia and sarah mcintyre for who's best bunny artist at the moment, but i think lia just edges it. much as i love "vern and lettuce", i never got moist at the eyes at it like i did at "fluffy" (a bit disengenuous - "fluffy" doesn't have the same anarchic genius that mcintyre does, but you get the general idea of what i'm saying...)

bunny mcsniff won't reach the heights of either, but it's good to get a bit of guidance from one of the masters

in other news: to get this blog being used a bit more, i'm going to write about children's picture books i've discovered in the last year or so to get me in the right frame of mind for the new project. first up? the best of the best - "the story of horace". keep eyes peeled...


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